Friday, September 9, 2022

Blizzard will ban character creation on Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers

Blizzard will ban character creation on Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers

One would expect that the release of the iconic Wrath of the Lich King add-on to the World of Warcraft Classic version would attract the attention of fans of the universe.
And so it did: players complained about overcrowded servers and hours-long queues.
And Blizzard gave their comments.As stated by the producer of the game Aggrend, mega-servers, which are in the greatest demand from the community, have reached their technical limits.
Expand their capacity is no longer possible, and the developers rely solely on the free character transfer function.So far on the most populous servers in Europe and America for an indefinite period of time closed the possibility of creating new characters.
According to the producer, the queue for the popular worlds Benediction, Faerlina and Grobbulus alone has so many players that they could fill a new server.Blizzard is also considering the option of a free change of faction, which would allow to balance the individual worlds.
However, this will not solve the problem as long as players are convinced that one faction is stronger.

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